Thursday, April 19, 2012

NYT Journalists on Pensions, other issues

This memo was sent to New York Times staffers:
Subject: your colleagues on Guild pension video, now up on YouTube
A few weeks ago, the Guild asked a number of the paper’s journalists to sit down and talk on video about the negotiations, the issues important to them, how they feel about working at the Times, and so on.
The first video is finally ready. It is about several issues, but particularly about pensions: why they are so valuable, and how much the Times is trying to take from us by demanding a pension freeze.
The original target audience is inside our own building –members who may have doubts about fighting to save the pension.
But it’s powerful enough – I think – to be shown to any audience.
Please have a look – it includes David Dunlap, Jim Dwyer, Clyde Haberman, John Schwartz, Nadia Taha, Joyce Wadler, George Vecsey, Willy Rashbaum, Claiborne Ray, Erik Piepenburg, Andrea Kannapell, Karen Grzelewski, Jennifer Mascia, Kevin Sack and myself. Others also spoke and I gather the plan is to use them in future videos

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