Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What Do You Get For $ 5000?

Okay, the big fuss here in town is Governor Eliot Spitzer's recent sexcapades.

The Spitzer story was arguably the biggest scoop in a year at The New York Times, and was certainly the biggest story of Joe Sexton’s reign as editor of the Metro section.

Good for him, not so good for Eliot.

As for me, I just can't get past the $ 5,000 a pop. I just can't wrap my brain around it. What sexual act is so wild, so out there, so perverse, that you have to pony up 5 grand to experience? Would I even want to? At the very least, I think she'd need to come by and paint my house.



Spitzer To Resign:

By Mark Lacter • BioEmail
LA Observed

It’s happening today and takes effect Monday. Lt. Gov. Paterson will be sworn in as governor shortly afterward, becoming the first African-American to hold that post in NY. (ABC News) Meanwhile, the WSJ reports that his legal team is already preparing a defense. They say that the guy did not violate federal money-laundering or structuring laws because he didn't hide the transactions, which were in his name and from his bank accounts. His lead lawyer, Michele Hirshman of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, is said to be in negotiations with the U.S. Attorney's office.

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