In its decision, the Board said, "It is undisputed that the Union requested bargaining over the effects of the layoffs announced on January 9, and that (KGTV) refused that request. Having found that (KGTV) has engaged in certain unfair labor practices, we shall order it to cease and desist and to take certain affirmative action designed to effectuate the policies of the (National Labor Relations) Act."
The NLRB ordered KGTV to bargain with the Union over the layoffs and provided limited back pay —with interest— for the employees. In ordering the backpay, the Board said, "Because of (KGTV's) unlawful conduct, however, the laid-off unit employees have been denied an opportunity to bargain through their collective-bargaining representative. Meaningful bargaining cannot be assured until some measure of economic strength is restored to the Union."
The Board ordered KGTV to turn over "all payroll records, social security payment records, timecards, personnel records and reports, and all other records, including an electronic copy of such records if stored in electronic form, necessary to analyze the amount of back pay due under the terms of this Order."
Regarding Csillag's access to the Union office, the Board ordered KGTV to immediately "restore the parties’ past practice of permitting" access to the office.
"This decision really exposes KGTV as a poor steward of the money invested by McGraw-Hill shareholders," Csillag said. "Management made these bad decisions solely on the advice of their union-busting law firm — which cares nothing about shareholder value — and then spent tens of thousands of dollars defending those decisions. It was nothing more than part of a power play to convince employees to withdraw support for their Union. But our members were hurt and we're pleased the Board didn't let KGTV get away with unlawful conduct," Csillag said.
McGraw-Hill and KGTV have been involved in a union-busting campaign since 2006, and have refused NABET-CWA's efforts to seek resolution.
More information on the Local 54 campaign at KGTV can be found at: 10NewsUnfair.com
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